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Emergency and Safety Alliance

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Emergency Response Team (ERT) Go-Kits

A PDF version of the Emergency Response Team Go-Kits is available for download.

SERT Go-Kit Requirements

Each School Emergency Response Team is to develop a Go-Kit to have available for use during an emergency situation. Items in the ERT Go-Kit should not be used for anything other than emergency preparedness training activities. A member of the School Emergency Response Team should be assigned to keep the kit updated (change batteries, update phone numbers, etc.). The kit should be portable and readily accessible for use in an emergency. A member of the School Emergency Response Team, identified during planning, is responsible for getting the kit to the appropriate Command Post.

An emergency go-kit is a portable collection of emergency supplies and information. Schools should consider the specific characteristics of the school such as population, climate, facilities and resources when preparing an emergency go-kit. Go-kits often come in the form of backpacks, buckets or a large duffel bag on wheels that can be easily carried out of a school in case of an emergency. Go-kits should be stored in secure, readily accessible locations.

Administrators, teachers, and members of the schools’ emergency response teams (e.g., nurses, building engineers) may have emergency go-kits with supplies needed to carry out their assigned responsibilities. While go-kits for these groups are similar, there are some distinctions. For example, classroom go-kits could be a “go-bucket,” which is a five-gallon bucket intended for both storage and if necessary, lavatory use. Go-buckets can be assembled and supported by community stakeholders such as parents or other community groups or businesses. Embracing these stakeholders in the process binds the community together in a collective effort for addressing increased safety in schools and the community at large.

Note: the [x] identifies a required item.

ERT Go-Kit Contents

x Suitable container(s) (i.e. large duffel bag on wheels, wheeled garbage can)
x Laptop computer, PDA or USB flash drive with necessary student and administrative data (Electronic backup of Student Accounting Worksheet in Excel format)
x Map of building(s) with location of exits, phones, first aid kits, assembly areas could include maps of surrounding streets and evacuation routes
x Blueprints of school building(s), including utilities
x Rosters and current attendance lists (Occupant Accounting Worksheet)
x Emergency contact information for students and staff
x Copy of Flipchart and Management Guide
○ Flashlights, fresh batteries
○ Tissue
○ Bright safety vests for visibility and ERT identification
x Directional/Informational placards (Command post, Triage, Media, Parents, etc.)
○ Blanket
○ Whistle
○ Duct tape
○ Glow sticks
○ Two-way radios, cell phones, fresh batteries
○ Weather Radio with fresh batteries
○ Stickers, dry erase markers, small whiteboard, notepads, permanent markers, pens, etc.
○ Local phone directory, district phone directory
○ Disposable gloves, sanitizer, sanitary wipes, etc.
○ Water, cups
○ Other ______________________________
○ Other ______________________________

Health Services Emergency Go-Kit

○ Any of the above, plus:
x First Aid/Triage Kits
x Suitable container (i.e. large plastic bins, drawer roll-carts)
x Medications (inhalers, epi-pens, other needed stock medications)
○ Diabetic test kits and snacks
○ Zip lock bags
○ Medical reference
○ Container for sharps
○ Dust masks
○ Wheelchair
x Student and staff emergency medical/special needs information
○ Other ______________________________
○ Other ______________________________

Classroom Emergency Go-Kit Contents

○ Suitable container (i.e., five gallon bucket with lid or a backpack)
○ First aid supplies
x Emergency procedures flipchart
x Current class roster, student attendance list, emergency contact information
○ Flashlight and extra fresh batteries
○ Portable radio, fresh batteries or other communication device
○ Plastic sheeting for privacy
○ Space blankets
○ Toilet paper, tall kitchen garbage bags and ties
○ Age-appropriate student activities (cards, crayons, games etc.)
○ Paper, pens, permanent markers
○ Whistle
○ Bottle water, cups
○ Tarp or ground cover
○ Leather work gloves, latex gloves, safety goggles
○ Duct tape
○ Scissors
○ Other ______________________________
○ Other ______________________________