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Violation Abatement Management Protocol (VAMP)

Thursday, January 29, 2009

District of Columbia Public School facilities are subject to inspections and assessments by multiple regulatory agencies whose purpose is to ensure compliance with applicable codes and regulations that have been adopted by the municipal government to protect life and property.  In many instances, these inspections result in the identification of deficiencies that require abatement making it necessary to respond with in a predetermined period.  In order to provide a timely response and to perform immediate action the Violation Abatement Management Protocol was developed to coordinate and manage the necessary resources to resolve these issues.

Note: This protocol also expands on the Procedural Memorandum for the Abatement of Fire Code Violations as established by Civil Action # 92-3478, Parents United vs. Marion Barry (Appendix A) and includes the DCPS – DOH  Cooperative Food Code Abatement Process (Appendix B) .