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Emergency and Safety Alliance

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Emergency Response Protocols

These Protocols are to be implemented when specific site-based emergencies and/or serious disruptions arise. The administrative staff and the School Emergency Response Team will need to make early judgments regarding the seriousness of a developing situation and the steps to take until assistance arrives.

Aircraft Emergency

The probability of an aircraft falling on or near a school building is extremely remote. But incase of an emergency involving an aircraft, the following should be accomplished tomaintain safety and isolate the hazards.

Active Shooter/Armed Subject - REVISED

All school and office personnel must be prepared to carry out plans in the event of gunfire or what is called an active shooter in the school or on school grounds.

Bomb Threat

In all bomb threat or explosive device situations, to minimize the danger of life and property, all personnel must be prepared to carry out plans for bomb threat incidents when instructed to take immediate action.

Fire Emergency

Fire may originate from within a building or threaten the building from the outside. Fires result from a variety of causes ranging from carelessness to arson.

Hazardous Materials Spills or Releases

Chemical spills and other accidental releases of hazardous materials can occur in several locations: within a school building, on the school grounds, or somewhere in the surrounding school community.

Hostage Situation

Hostage situations are among the most serious and complex incidents which impact public school systems.


Kidnapping refers to a child who is missing under suspicious circumstances.

Medical Emergencies - REVISED

A medical emergency may occur anytime the school building is in use. Medical emergencies are those illnesses or injuries which require first aid and emergency backup to ensure the safety and health of the person(s) involved.

School Disturbances

The following information is a guide for school-based personnel in developing, discussing, and disseminating a set of emergency procedures that can be effectively implemented in the event of school disturbances (e.g., violence, sit-ins, riots, large scale fights).

Severe Weather and Natural Disasters

Severe Weather and Natural Disasters, though rare, can occur at anytime and may affect the safety of the school population without warning.


Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof to further a political or social objective.

Threat Management for Employees/Visitors

The provision of a safe school and workplace is essential to the well-being of students and staff. Threats may originate within the school system or from the outside.

Threat Management for Students

The following is a guide on responses to verbal or written threats of students toward self, other students, staff, or the school.

Threat Management for Trespassers/Intruders

To maintain a safe, secure, and orderly school environment, it is essential to establish a system with requirements for everyone entering the school building to register and identify themselves.

Utility Failures

Utility failures or incidents are common occurrences and may happen at any time.


Weapons are not permitted on school grounds. Weapons are any item that can inflict bodily harm,such as a rifle or gun (loaded or unloaded, operable or inoperable), switchblade knife, hunting knife, star knife, razors including straight or retractable razor, nunchaku, spiked glove, spiked wrist band, or any mace derivative, tear-gas device, or pepper spray product. Students bring weapons for a variety of reasons. All reports of weapons are to be taken seriously and handled by administrators with police support.

Wild Animal Encounters - NEW

nimals in the District range in size from small rodents like squirrels, opossums, and racoons to larger animals like coyotes, foxes, and deer; including rare spottings of bear and mountain lion.

Workplace Violence

The provision of a safe school and workplace is essential to the well-being of students and staff.