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Emergency and Safety Alliance

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ESA Prevention

A safe and healthy environment is essential for schools to promote student achievement within a productive learning and work environment.

Anti-Idling - NEW

Gas and diesel-powered engine emissions are a significant source of pollution at school buildings. Throughout the school day, schools buses, cars, delivery trucks, and grounds equipment emit air toxins and fine particulates that significantly affect indoor air quality.

Construction Dust - NEW

Construction dust can create serious health risks because typically there are harmful substances in the dust (man-made mineral fibers, silica, cement residue, wood dust, etc.).  Simple dust control or containment measures can reduce health risks as well as reduce potential property damage, improve  visibility levels on job sites, and reduce time-consuming final cleaning labor hours.

Food in Classrooms - NEW

Food in the classroom creates many new concerns from increased pest activity to unpleasant odors if trash is not promptly removed. Food consumed in the classroom other than the “Breakfast in the Classroom” program must meet very strict guidelines and criteria.

Integrated Pest Management - NEW

It is the policy the DC Public Schools to manage pests in and around schools.

Painting in Schools - NEW

Painting activity occurs in DC schools year-round. Two significant health hazards from oil-based paint come from Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and lead.

Pets in Classrooms - NEW

Keeping classroom pets can create many teachable moments that can be tied to the curriculum in many ways.

Radon - NEW

Radon is a naturally occurring, tasteless, odorless, colorless radioactive gas that develops from the decay of uranium.

Safe Handing and Disposal of Needles and Syringes  - NEW

The risk of acquiring a disease from a needle-stick injury in a community setting is very low, however where needles/syringes are found within school premises, it is important that they are disposed of promptly and safely to ensure staff, students and others are not harmed.

Smoke-Free Public Buildings - NEW

The DC Department of Health Functions Clarification Amendment Act of 2006 prohibits smoking in most public places. 

Universal Waste Disposal - NEW

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) has been amended to regulate widely generated wastes previously identified as hazardous waste, but has been re-categorized by RCRA and the EPA governing body as “Universal Waste,” 

Fire and Life Safety Guidelines for Schools

Prevention is the key to eliminating the conditions that may contribute to the cause of any fire or loss of life. Apart from arson, major causes of school fires include improper handling and storage of flammable liquids, overloaded electrical outlets, and excessive cumulative combustible materials.

Before and After School Hour Programs - NEW

The School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide has been developed to ensure the safety and security of all occupants including those who participate in before and after hour programs. However, the operating days and times of these programs occur outside of normal school hours, which could result in limited to no response by the School Emergency Response Team (SERT); making it necessary for the program director/facilitator to be familiar with the response plan and protocols.

Cleaning to Reduce Influenza and Other Infectious Diseases in Schools  - NEW

H1N1 is a new variant of influenza type A. It is highly contagious and spreads from person-to-person in several ways: when an ill person sneezes or coughs, infected droplets enter another person through the nose, mouth or eyes; or the droplets can land on a contact surface (e.g., a doorknob) that is touched by another person who then touches their face. Ask any teacher and they’ll tell you, when one child comes to school sick, illness can spread quickly through the classroom.

Disinfecting Protocol

Checklist of surfaces to disinfect to help prevent the spread of the flu virus at schools.

Hard Surface Hygiene

The soap and detergent industry cares about safe and proper use of its products. In fact, The Soap and Detergent Association (SDA) has been educating consumers on topics such as hand and home hygiene for over three quarters of a century.

Products for Use Against Influenza on Hard Surfaces

List of antimicrobial products that are registered for use against Influenza A virus on hard surfaces; Section 3 Active Disinfectants with Human Influenza A as a Pest (Updated 4/28/09).