A. Evacuation (For use when conditions outside are safer than inside)
- When the announcement is made or alarm is sounded:
- Close windows and doors; do not lock.
- Be alert to and assist any student with a disability if needed.
- Bring Emergency Procedures Guide and student roster.
- Evacuate students quietly and in an orderly fashion. (Follow posted directions.)
- Report to your designated area and take attendance.
- Check for Injuries.
Hold up Emergency Procedures Guide to indicate:
- Red Side Out–Need assistance/student missing.
- Yellow Side Out–Have additional students
- Green Side Out–All students accounted for
- Report any missing students to the principal.
- Be alert for further instructions.
- Return to building only after the building principal or fire department gives the “all clear” signal.
Avoid emergency vehicles.
B. Alert Status (For use in securing access to the building, usually in a community emergency event)
When the announcement is made:
- Secure the facility by locking all doors from the inside. (Do not chain any doors.)
- Inform staff of “Alert Status”.
- Inform students of “Alert Status” in an age-appropriate way.
- Post staff near the front entrance of the building to allow individuals to enter
C. Lockdown (For use to protect building occupants from potential dangers in the building or outside.)
When the announcement is made:
- Students are to be cleared from the halls immediately and report to nearest available classroom.
- Assist those needing special assistance.
All windows and doors should be closed and locked, and no one should leave for any reason. Display Emergency Procedures Guide cover in door window to indicate the following:
- Red Side Out – Need Assistance/Help
- Green Side Out – No Assistance Needed/All Clear
- Cover all room and door windows if possible.
- Stay away from all doors and windows; move students to interior walls and sit on floor.
- Shut off lights.
- Wait for further instructions.
- Document attendance.
C1. Shelter-in-Place (For use in external gas or chemical release)
When the announcement is made follow the Lockdown Procedure with the additions below:
- Close and tape all windows and doors, and seal the gap between the bottom of the door and floor using coats, blankets, or rugs.
- Turn off heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
D. Severe Weather Safe Area (For emergencies)
When the announcement is made or alarm sounded:
- Take the closest, safest route to shelter in designated safe areas (use secondary route if primary route is blocked or dangerous).
- Occupants of portable classrooms shall move to the main building to designated safe areas.
- Take student roster for student accounting.
- Assist those needing special assistance.
- Do not stop for student/staff belongs.
- Close all doors.
- Take attendance.
- Remain in safe area until the “all clear” is given.
- Wait for further instructions.
D1. Drop, Cover & Hold (For use in earthquake or other imminent danger to building or immediate surroundings)
When the command DROP is given:
- DROP – to the floor, take cover under a nearby desk or table and face away from the windows.
- COVER – your eyes by leaning your face against your arms.
- HOLD – on to the table or desk legs, and maintain present location/position.
- Assist those needing special assistance.
- Wait for further instructions.