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Emergency and Safety Alliance

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Section 2 Unit 1—Executive Support Planning

Introduction to Executive Support Planning 


The purpose of Executive Support Planning is to provide continuance of operations, emergency preparedness/response information and resources to assist School Emergency Response Teams (SERT) in protecting the safety and well-being of students and staff during an emergency. This Plan addresses Level II and III emergencies, as defined later in this section. Emergencies involving only a specific site are designated as Level I and should be managed according to the site emergency plan. Activation of the Executive Support Team (EST) will not occur for site-specific emergencies; however, the EST staff may provide additional resources, if deemed necessary.

This standardized Plan has been developed for all school sites to promote coordinated preparedness and integrated emergency response procedures. Each site must modify the Plan to meet its own capabilities and special needs. Therefore, where appropriate, throughout the Plan we address variances in the needs and requirements of different school levels. All schools will submit their School Emergency Response Plan on an annual basis, through the DC Emergency and Safety Alliance web-based application. When a Level II or III critical incident occurs, the EST Recorder will take copies of the affected school(s) plans to the EST Operations Center to facilitate coordination and communication. EST assignments will be distributed to all schools, offices, and within a web-based application annually or when changes occur.

Police, fire, and/or criminal investigative processes may supersede any Local Education Agency (LEA) plans.

Planning Objectives

  • Provide for the orderly conversion of predesignated school sites to shelters when necessary (please note—use of school facilities as shelters may or may not be directly related to an incident originating in the school system).
  • Provide coordination between sites, EST, MPD, FEMS, and the EOC.
  • Enable the system to restore normal conditions with minimal confusion, in the shortest time possible.
  • Protect school facilities and property.
  • Provide a safe and coordinated response to emergency situations.
  • Protect the safety and welfare of students and staff.


In the event of a Level II or III emergency, the IC notifies the EST by calling the EST Manager at________________. If no answer, call ________________.

State the following:

This is (your name), and I have a level II or III emergency at (location). I can be reached at (phone number ____).

The EST Manager will be responsible for notifying the EST Leader and assembling the EST to convene at the designated EST Operations Center, if necessary. The IC will be the key contact person for the EST Manager. If the IC is unable to notify the EST or police/fire department, first responders will use their radios to notify the Safe Schools Liaison, who will in turn notify the EST.

See the full PDF version of Section 2 of School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide.


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