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Emergency and Safety Alliance

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School Emergency Response Plan and Management Online Manual

This online manual is designed to provide guidance to plan and manage the response of schools in case of an emergency. The following sections have an overview of the contents and a link to a downloadable, PDF version.

Introduction to the School Emergency Response Plan and Management Manual

  • Partnership and collaboration are essential components of the emergency planning effort. Therefore, the Emergency and Safety Alliance (ESA) was formed as an interagency team to plan, implement, manage, and sustain this project.

Section 1 Preparedness

  • Historically, schools have been relatively well prepared for emergency situations, such as fires and severe weather. Preparedness is the process of deciding what you will do in the event of an emergency, before the emergency actually occurs. Preparedness involves the coordination of efforts between the local school district, individual schools, and the community at large.

Section 2 Executive Support

  • The purpose of Executive Support Planning is to provide continuance of operations, emergency preparedness/response information and resources to assist School Emergency Response Teams (SERT) in protecting the safety and well-being of students and staff during an emergency.

Section 3 Emergency Response Plan

  • The purpose of the School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide is to provide emergency preparedness and response instructions, information, and guidelines to protect the safety and well-being of students and staff at the time of an emergency.

Section 4 Response Protocols

  • Universal Emergency Procedures are a set of standard, clear directives that may be implemented across a variety of emergency situations.

Section 5 Recovery

  • Schools and the community are confronted with putting the pieces back together following sudden, tragic events such as death or serious injury to students and staff, bus accidents, fires, natural or man-made disasters and violence.

Section 6 Prevention Protocols

  • Section 6 of the School Emergency Response Plan and Management Guide includes Protocols on safety, health, and security-type issues and encompasses many Federal and District laws, regulations, and policies.

Section 7 Appendices

  • This Section is a compilation of expanded information as referenced under various other Sections throughout this Guide.